Jenny Don't Be Hasty

by Paolo Nuteni

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:14 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


These Streets

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1st → Vocals
2nd → Rhythm
3rd → Lead
4th → Percussion
5th → Bass

File Size

80 KB




You said you'd mar ry me, if i was twen ty three. But I'm one that you can't see, if I'm on ly eigh teen. Tell me who makes these rules, ob ve ous ly not you. Who are you ans wer ing to? Oh, Jen ny don't be has ty. No don't treat me like a ba by. Let me take you where you'll let me. Be cause lea ving just up sets me. oh yeah. I'll be ar ound a gain, to see these oth er men, that are more ad di quet, in the age dep art ment. And i did not think you care. There'd be no prob lems here. But now you're look in at me like you're dis gust ed. Then I'm def in ite ly wait ing for you to smile and change your mind. Then I'll say I'm sor ry and I'll wrap my arms 'round your bo dy. I real ly hope that you for give in a hur ry, and don't just ask me to leave. Oh, Jen ny don't be hast y. No, don't treat me like a ba by. Let me take you where you'll let me. Be cause leav ing just up sets me. Oh, Jen ny you are cra zy! First I'm per fect then I'm la zy. And I was call ing you my ba by. And all the times that you just left me. And it kills me so! woo hoo hoo Oh, Jen ny don't be hast y. No, don't treat me like a ba by. Let me take you where you'll let me. Be cause leav ing just up sets me. Oh, Jen ny you are cra zy! First I'm per fect then I'm la zy. And I was call ing you my ba by. And all the times that you just left me. And it kills me. You said you'd mar ry me, if I was twen ty three. But I'm one that you can't see, If I'm on ly eight een.